
John M Friederich

LPA, EA, ABA, Owner

John Friederich, a Licensed Public Accountant*, an Enrolled Agent**, and an Accredited Business Accountant***, established the accounting firm of JMF Accounting in 1983. After serving in the U.S. Marine Corp, he worked in retail, wholesale, retail food services and manufacturing as a manager, before going into accounting. As an accountant he worked in private business, in the areas of, manufacturing, oil and gas, trucking, and agriculture related businesses, including livestock production. Since going into public accounting he has used his management background to assist small businesses with their management issues, as well as with their accounting and income taxes.

John graduated with honors from Upper Iowa University with a Bachelor of Science degree in accounting and business management.

John is a member of the Accountants Association of Iowa, National Society of Accountants, the Accreditation Council for Accountancy and Taxation, Monroe Community Club and the American Legion.

* A Licensed Public Accountant, (LPA), is an individual who has been licensed by the State of Iowa after having successfully passed an examination testing the individual’s knowledge of accounting, financial statement preparation, and professional ethics, and has met the prerequisite educational and experience requirements. The licensee must maintain his professional competency by taking a minimum number of hours of continuing education each year and by having his work reviewed at least once every three years by their peers who have been trained to perform these reviews.

** An Enrolled Agent, (EA), is an individual who has been licensed by the Internal Revenue Service having successfully passed a 16 hour IRS administered examination on taxes and is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as being knowledgeable in the income tax field. EA’s, are required to take a minimum number of continuing education classes each year in order to improve, maintain and keep current on income tax issues and laws. An EA, is allowed to represent his clients before the IRS through all of the audit and appeal procedures available, up to Federal tax court.

*** An Accredited Business Accountant, ( ABA ), is an individual who has met the Accreditation Council’s education, training, ethics and testing standards in business accounting.

Professional Staff

Heather Friederich-Mouw

Bachelor of Science in Business Accounting
[email protected]

Linelle Eldred
Michelle Cotte
Barbara Friederich

JMF Accounting was founded in 1983 to serve small to medium size businesses. We assist clients with their accounting, tax and management needs, as well as helping individuals with their income tax preparation and planning.

years in business


